AL: Gadsden person on the registry arrested for not carrying proper identification

Source: 6/22/21

ETOWAH COUNTY, Ala. (WIAT) — A Gadsden man was arrested during a traffic stop last week when authorities discovered he had a sex offense conviction in his past and did not meet the identification requirements under Alabama law.

According to the Etowah County Sheriff’s Office, Timothy ____ was arrested during a traffic stop in the Gallant area on June 16. During the traffic stop, the deputy discovered Timothy had a sex offense conviction in his past and he was not carrying the required identification needed under Alabama Law.

Timothy was released on a $3,500 bond.

People that have a sex offense conviction who are residents in Alabama must carry a valid drivers license or identification card issued by the ALEA at all times.


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Really? People have nothing better to do? Everybody is required to carry a driver’s license when driving, but if you get pulled over and forgot to put it into your wallet, you might get a ticket or a fix it ticket. You do NOT go to jail. It is only administrative I thought? A lot of people are breaking the law innocently, but only sex offenders get put in jail for this. Wow!

“Papers, we need to see your papers. If you don’t have them it’ll cost you and your freedom.” God bless the United States!!

Wow. So we’ve reached fully Nazi level of “papers”. Don’t have the right papers and its literally straight to jail.

Papers please.


When I was on supervision, one of my rules was that I was to carry a copy of my rules on my person at all times. When I asked how was I to accomplish this when showering or swimming all I got was looks from my agent. Nothing like rules which are impossible to follow.

Here we have a rule which is idiotic at best – arrested for failing to have the proper piece of paper in his pocket. I can understand if he refused to identify himself verbally, but this is ridiculous.

What exactly IS the required identification? I remember the big stink about Alabama requiring registrants’ driver’s licenses to have the words “SEX OFFENDER” printed on it (in response to the hundreds of sexual assaults on police by registrants during traffic stops every year, I’m sure) that was struck down by the state supreme court, and thought the court “suggested” the mark be replaced by a code or something. I don’t recall any requirement to carry something specific. Besides that, the arresting officer discovered the guy was a registrant without such identification didn’t he?

Honestly, this shows the complete lack of necessity for such laws. I’ve never heard that sex charges were somehow not included in the ID check run by cops during traffic stops or whatever else.

Alabama’s governor Kay Ivey signed into law legislation that requires people convicted of a sex offense with a victim under the age of 13 to be chemically castrated before being released on parole.
The chemical castration involves taking medication to reduce testosterone hormones and other chemicals that drive libido.
State Rep. Steve Hurts who introduced the bill that passed defended it against those who called it inhumane telling the media in Birmingham that [people] … molesting helpless child is inhumane.
I feel sorry for people out there with sex changes Alabama ain’t playing around out there they mean business

Good luck 🗣

How to say your papers please in German
Ihre Papiere bitte

Over a hundred plus ways to violate in Alabama as a person forced to register. Alabama should focus on bigger issues instead of being at the bottom in everything but oppression of people on the hit list. Alabama doesn’t represent a sweet home to me. More like screw you Alabama!!

WTF!!?? 😡. I am so sick of this type of sh#t!! No one else is subject to this harassment and abuse!! 😡